Antonio was enrolled in martial arts by his parents, Jorge and Carmen Flores, at the tender age of five, after watching his cousin, Analise, take classes at Eldred’s TKD.
Jorge, after watching for several years, also signed up, thinking it would be a great way to embrace fitness and do something together with Antonio.
After several years of learning how to spar, how to kick, basic forms and other martial arts skills, Antonio wasn’t so sure he liked it enough to continue. He wanted to quit. His parents, however, liked what Antonio was getting out of the experience, being the best he can be, self-defense, and achieving his black belt, wanted him to stick with it. They both wanted Antonio to overcome every difficulty by perseverance.
As time passed, they both moved up in rank in the belt system, and finally to black belt candidates. Jorge and Antonio thought it would be exciting to test together and get black belts the same year. They weren’t sure that was possible. Last year Antonio wasn’t ready to test because of several broken bones that set him back. This year in June an MRI showed a possible meniscus tear in his left knee, but the doctor wasn’t certain it was, so with rest and physical therapy there was tremendous improvement, and Jorge and Antonio got to test together.
In August, they both went through a grueling black belt camp that includes the main portion of the black belt test with a final show and sparring test, including board breaks, the following weekend.
At the end of the test, in front of the audience, Antonio had to do a board break. He wanted this break more than anything! He made the first attempt and didn’t quite have the follow-through.
Antonio thought, “This is it. I really want this. This is something I’ve been working on for six years.”
With a quick second attempt with acceleration and follow-through he made the kick and made a clean break.
Forms were challenging for Jorge because of the flexibility required, something that is easier for Antonio. After it was all done, they both were relieved.
Through years of hard work and perseverance, they got value out of it in very different ways, but the journey isn’t over.
This is just the first level of black belt, and if they like, they could test again for the next level in two years. That’ll be a change, because up until now they’ve tested every three months for a belt or stripes.
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