Valley Center High School celebrated Homecoming on Friday night, and despite the fog, the stands were packed with enthusiastic Jaguar supporters.
When the votes were tallied, the Homecoming king and queen crowns went to Nico Carrasco and Andreina Gervasio:
photo by Gabriel Santana)

Here are more Homecoming photos, courtesy of Cathy Schwickert:
Freshman prince and princess Dustin Miller & Bridget Murphy:

Sophomore prince and princess Frankie Romero & Kaley Prudham:

Junior prince and princess Tom Aguilar & Sidney Reilly:

Senior prince and princess Stehly Reden & Cayla Ferrington:

Senior prince and princess Nico Carrasco & Denia Valdovitos:

Senior prince and princess Nicasio Westlund & Andreina Gervasio:

Carrasco & Gervasio receive their crowns:

The senior court:

The entire Homecoming court poses for a few photos:

Here are some photos I (Dan Kidder) snapped with my phone (sorry that some are blurry...I'd love to post more shots of the floats and stuff, so send them in to if you have any...thanks!)
The freshman float, featuring Aphrodite:

Another shot of Aphrodite:

The AVID club, I believe:

Yep, there's the banner...AVID club:

I didn't catch what club this is...leave a comment if you know:

The sophomores had a float featuring Ares, god of war:

Ares looked suspiciously like Daniel Henderson:

The Spirit & Drama Club re-enacted the famous Trojan War...I didn't know the Greeks fought with styrofoam bats. History comes alive:

The juniors' float featured Poseidon:

...and I missed the seniors' float about the underworld, so here's a shot showing how foggy it was before the game:
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