But when the guns cease fire and the echoes of the artillery fade away, these elite warriors shed their superhero suits and reveal what is so often forgotten underneath: a real person.
To Joyce Orrell and her husband Curtis, it is both obviously simple and profoundly rewarding to take care of those real people who give so much to their country.
The Orrells are involved with the Wounded Warriors program, and Joyce is a part of the San Diego North County Blue Star Mothers, a local chapter of an organization founded in WWII that supports American troops when they ship out and when they return home again.
“We try to bring a touch of home to the barracks,” Joyce says. “A lot of the kids call us mom and dad, and that means so much to us. It’s about building those personal relationships.”
The Orrells came to Valley Center from Ramona 25 years ago on what started as a simple errand.
“We were looking for a Christmas tree,” Joyce recalls. “And when we found this valley, I said, ‘That’s where we’re going to live next!’”
After Joyce retired from her career as a bank operations officer, she remembered what it was like for her husband, a Marine who served in Viet Nam, to return home.
“He knows what it’s like to come home and feel like nobody wants you,” she says. “So when we wanted to do something for our soldiers now, we asked how we could help them feel welcome when they get home.”
It wasn’t long before the Orrells got an e-mail from a nurse at Miramar with an invitation to help welcome returning soldiers home.

The more soldiers the Orrells welcomed home, the more wounded veterans they saw that needed something extra special. That led to the Wounded Warriors program and a lot of opportunities to build the personal relationships that are so badly needed.
“We had a mom from Valley Center who lost her son as part of the three/five group that has lost seventy-five men since September,” Joyce says. “So we made up three huge platters to bring up, and one young man just looks at it all for a minute before he says, ‘From the bottom of my heart, I just can’t tell you how much this means to us.’ These kids ask for nothing, but they’re willing to give up so much on our behalf.”
The Orrells are part of a group that visits the Wounded Warrior barracks at Camp Pendleton every Thursday, bringing home-cooked food and an atmosphere of home.

The work done by the volunteers became much more special for the Orrells last fall, when they welcomed their son, Sgt. Michael Orrell, back from active duty.

The Orrells plan to keep volunteering for as long as they can, and Joyce says that you don’t have to have a child in the military to be a part of welcoming our soldiers home again.

For more information about the San Diego North County Blue Star Mothers, visit their Web site at www.sdncbluestarmothers.org/
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