Thursday, December 2, 2010

VC Little League introduces new president

Valley Center Little League (VCLL) is proud to announce Bill Layne as its new president.
Bill Layne was voted in as president this past summer. Shortly after filling the position, Layne and the members of the board for 2011 got right down to business and started planning for the upcoming baseball season. Layne served as president of the league from 2005-2006 and brings with him a wealth of experience. Last season, he served on the board as an adviser and helped keep the league running smoothly.
Please visit (please note new website address) for more information about player registration. The league will be using this site as well as its Facebook page to update the community of upcoming league events.
To make the registration process as smooth as possible, please bring the following items when you come to register: Checkbook to pay the registration fee, player’s original birth certificate, and a document to show proof of residency in Valley Center.
The league would also like to invite business owners to contact Nancy Layne at, about advertising opportunities that they have to get your name in front of residents of our community. Sponsorship with the league is one of the most cost effective ways to get your name out in the public and your donation can potentially be a tax deduction.
Bill Layne and the 2011 board of directors are looking forward to a wonderful season of baseball! They encourage anyone who is interested in our program to come to one of our registration events to learn more about the league and the remarkable experience they provide for the families that make up the program.

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